POLE VAULTING CAMP INFORMATION 2025 ACCOMMODATION Camp accommodation is at Kiiruu School. Address: Kiiruuntie 4, SOMERO. Enter the school by using the door A. Classrooms: men and boys over 15 2nd floor, women and boys age 9-13 1st floor. Classrooms should be emptied by noon on Sunday 6th July. Each person in a classroom is responsible for any damage caused to the school property. All possible damage must immediately be reported to the principal of camp (Mikko Latvala) or camp personnel. The school door is open daily between 7 AM and 10.30 PM. Participants are responsible for their own property. Please note that there is surveilance/info in the accommodation facilities at all tiime and it's located near door A. CARNIVAL OFFICE is located at Kiiruu School and is open on Thursday from 11 AM – 5 PM, and after that you can contact Veera Hälli +358 44 981 9716 DINING is located also in Kiiruu School. You will receive the carnival pass along with the other camp material given at registration. The carnival pass entitles the dining and other related events. Keep the pass with you when entering to the dining room. Please leave your pass after final lunch on Sunday. SHOWERS are located at Kiiruu School nearby the dining room. THE SWIMMING HALL is closed for maintenance. CAMP PHOTOGRAPHY is at track and field court on Friday at 11.45 AM Group photo is available from our home page after the event. -Saturday 5th July at 8.00 PM evening snacks at Sports hall for coaches and adults. -Saturday 5th July at 6.30 PM film screening in Bio Jukola (Jukolantie 3), ? TIDINESS Please keep the accommodation, dining, shower etc. facilities tidy and clean. WELCOME TO THE POLE VAULTING CARNIVAL!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOMERO POLE VAULTING CARNIVALS 2024 PROGRAM
THURSDAY 4.7. 14.00 Competition B/G11, 13, 15 Track and field court 16.00-17.00 Dinner School Dining Hall 18.00 Competition M/W 17, 19, 22 Track and field court 18.00 Physical tests, juniors Track and field court / School gymnasium 20.30-21.30 Evening snack School Dining Hall 21.30 Carnival Coaches and Parents meeting School Auditorium / Dining Hall 23.00 Silence FRIDAY 5.7. 8.00-8.45 Breakfast School Dining Hall 8.45 Pole Vault School opening School Auditorium 9.30 Training Track and field court 12.00-13.00 Lunch School Dining Hall 13.00 Pole Vault Trainingdemo Track and field court 14.30 Tests, all athletes Track and field court or Monitoimitalo(weather reservation) 14.30 Training Track and field court 17.00-18.00 Dinner School Dining Hall 18.15 Photo Camp Track and field court 18.30 Training Track and field court 19.30-20.30 Voluntary training: - 3v3 basketballtournament, Monitoimitalo - stretching, Monitoimitalo tatamisali - minigolf, swimming hall Loiske 20.30-21.30 Evening snack School Dining Hall 23.00 Silence SATURDAY 6.7. 8.00--9.00 Breakfast School Dining Hall 08.30 General Lecture School Auditorium 10.00 Training Track and field court 12.00-13.00 Lunch School Dining Hall 13.30 Lecture Highschool Mikko/Jarno age 13-16 School Auditorium 14.00 Training Parents Track and field court 14.00 Training Track and field court 16.00-17.00 Dinner School Dining Hall 16.30 MAIN COMPETITION Track and field court 18.30 Cinema Bio Jukola (address: Jukolantie 4) 20.00-22.30 Evening snack for Coaches and Parents Monitoimitalo 20.30-21.30 Evening snack School Dining Hall 23.00 Silence SUNDAY 7.7. 7.30-8.15 Breakfast School Dining Hall 8.15 Pole Vault School Final Ceremony and feedback School Auditorium 10.00 Competition B/G11, 13, 15 Track and field court 11.00-12.00 Lunch School Dining Hall 13.00 Men B- & C-competition, Women B-competition Track and field court |